Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's All In The Mind...

Oh my I haven't blogged in 4 months but, I've been extremely overwhelmed about the birth of HOALA and scared. Fear is often paralyzing especially when your a perfectionist, but you have to trust the process. God did not bless me to live and still be able to's with one pinky and at the end of a working sessions my deltoid is killing me. Alas, I keep clicking away as I know through my life experiences...I'm completely on purpose in the sharing of my stories of healing through Poetry and reaching the misunderstood; non status quo. Now it's time to walk up right and stare fear in the eye stating "You Will Not Win" as you reside in my head and not my soul. All Glory to God because when "God is for you who can be against you" not even you! It has been written and ordained as it is my purpose in "Healing Ourselves and Others"- In the Process.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mental Rehab!

Artist, especially writers and most definitely poets sometimes spend years producing a project. You can lose focus as many of us suffer from ADD and/or you just get drained emotionally. When you write for cathartic reason like I need to take a break and commune with God. Thank goodness I was able to recharge for 3 weeks being waited on hand and foot...when I returned home, my mind, spirit, and zeal were in line creatively. I'm so ready but, as we all know we have a habit of getting in our own way.

Thank God, I'm out of my way and my 3 weeks away from the computer...mind you was nice.
So it's me...I'm on and poppin and Hymns of a Lonely Heartache is just a heartbeat away. Trust...the campaign HAS Begun and your support will be a God Love send, as we've all had and/or suffered a HOALA from time 2 time. Holla!

Blessings and until next time...Dream Big, Finish What You Start, and Get out of your own way!

Always...HOALA...oh it's 1:02 am...Good Night and Good Morning!***
(productive writing was a long one and I'll sleep well...rough draft print 2morrow=)

Lana "ellemarie" Grissom
Inside the Mind Behind

Friday, October 8, 2010

Indigo State of Mind

A fellow blogger I'm i nspired by posted the perfect "Don't take it Personal..." post. Her eloquence and wisdom summed up my sintiments exactly.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

One this Day...

This day August 26th...I was sparred by the grace of God 4 short years ago. God said no as it was not my time to go...home. I felt the warmth of the Lord, the peace of Elohim, and the safety of my I was submerged in the water, lifeless. Sparred for a purpose to proclaim how great is our God...great as he overcame death and defeated it by raising from the dead. He rose me from my "dead" and gave me "life" in order to fulfill my God given destiny, that has been written specifically for me. Liquid blessings flow relieving my often heavy heart as I adjust to my newly found body disabled, challenged, often frustrated, extremely emotional, and confused at the reverse in my shattered dreams. My path is now laid forth in plain site...I walk by faith in knowing that in this life we will suffer but, he'll never give you too much to handle. Even when you think you can't bare much more of this heaviness you have to go back and grasp that it was he...who was forsaken. As he bore the wages of sins past, present, and future for you~Selah awww pause and ponder in the enormity of his love. Go to that for comfort and encouragement because at the end of the day is the end. Suffering brings a refinement to your character and a polishing of a precious you the courage to keep moving on. We all will suffer and have trials that will put us to the test rendering our testimony to be shared authentically.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Inside the Mind Behind HOALA: Turn on the light...

Inside the Mind Behind HOALA: Turn on the light...: "and light a candle. Burning is Glade Lavender Vanilla...yummy, if it wasn't a candle - I'd eat it.Wow, it's been a whirlwind of emotional up..."

Turn on the light...

and light a candle. Burning is Glade Lavender Vanilla...yummy, if it wasn't a candle - I'd eat it.
Wow, it's been a whirlwind of emotional uprising for the past month...a mental riot of sorts. I had to become completely broken, in order to progress. Also, anxiety can get the worst of you...pain gripping that just sits on you,
Thank God for Ativan and the Holy Spirit. I guess my sifting problem has blown through, ran it course, and further humbled my face and hands outstretched to you. I needed the pruning, my ends order to further grow. I was getting scared and tremendously overwhelmed but, as I continued to listen to the spiritual sermons on
K-WAVE, watch my spiritual documentaries, read my Bible, and set away. Get real quite and cry out to the Lord for he is worthy and just. When you come to him...come with a contrite heart on bended knee and he will hear you.
The glow will will returns, the words have meaning and they make can finally feel it warm your soul/heart - Touch is extremely important. Seek and You will Find which is greater in you is greater than he who rules the world. The comfortable Freedom and Permission to delve forward...excellent new material stored in my minds heart which I'm waiting anxiously to create.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday night...tonight, I edited my profile. If I'm going to be honest in this process...than b honest.
Read the profile as it takes courage to admit one's present state, than precieved. I now know that I was beautiful walking and still beautiful rolling...I just need to feel that. I do at times...most of the time as there beauty at the end of this rainbow. God is writing my life's story...Holla HOALA...One!