Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Emotionally Exhausted

You come to a road in life when you have to be honest and true, but gutting is exhausting. I've slept for about two day's straight only waking to write. Self publishing isn't easy but, HOALA is being guided and created by's his way or no way. I feel as I'm being reborn all over again through HOALA. It has to be authentic and truthful to be effective and Daddy has the whip out because he allowed me to live for his purpose. I'm not here masked...I've been masked most of my life, now it's time to unmask - in order to heal and save lives. So many people go their entire lives living in a realm of unreality, well I've had my show and I was not happy. Now the flood gates have been opened in these tear ducts of mine and my heart aches at the atoning it must make. Who ever knew heartfelt emotional crying could be so emotionally exhausting.

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